Corona measures at Biotech Training Facility

This document describes the measures that apply to every participant in training courses at Biotech Training Facility because of coronavirus. These measures must be strictly adhered to in order to guarantee the safety of each individual in our facility.

From all attendees we expect the following:

  • Always keep a distance of at least 1.5 metres from another person, also when entering the lobby, during (lunch) breaks, in the corridors, in the classrooms, laboratory and cleanrooms.
  • Wash and/or disinfect your hands upon entry, after visiting the toilets, before and after each break.
  • Take place at one of the tables in the lobby during the breaks as these tables are at least 1,5 meters apart.
  • Use a face mask if you want to.
  • The trainer also keeps a distance of 1.5 meters at all times. If this prevents you from seeing or hearing things properly, let us know.
  • Correct each other if you notice that one of the above measures is not being observed. Or inform the trainer or one of Biotech Training Facility staff.
  • And last but not least: stay at home when you are sick or have a cold! (possible symptoms: coughing, sneezing, sore throat, fever, headache).

In addition, we have taken the following general measures:

  • We work in small groups.
  • Only one person at a time is allowed to go to the toilet: green sign = free/ red sign = occupied.
  • Only one person at a time is allowed near the coffee machine and at the lunch buffet.
  • Walking routes have been marked with tape.
  • In both the lobby and the classroom, tape on the floor marks out the no-go areas
  • Extra dispensers with disinfectant have been installed to clean your hands.
  • Before and after each training day, the facility is extensively cleaned and disinfected, especially on contact points such as door handles and chairs.

Additional measures for the laboratories and cleanrooms:

  • Each participant will receive their own lab coat, cleanroom gowning and safety glasses.
  • In the lab and cleanrooms, tape and ribbons mark out the no-go areas during practical training.
  • Wearing gloves is mandatory in the labs and cleanrooms.
  • After use, the lab coats, cleanroom gowning and glasses will be cleaned.