Seminar Personalized Medicine - from lab to patient
November 8, 2017
Learn about chances and challenges for personalized medicines on the road from lab to patient.
HollandBio and Quality by Design organize an afternoon seminar where Bram Keymolen, Qualified Person and co-founder of Eye-Tec, Johannes de Munter, CEO of Neuroplast and Nathalie Cools, Assistent Professor of the University of Amsterdam will shine their light on this topic.
There is room for discussions during the presentations and afterwards during drinks. Members of HollandBio and employees of government institutes, patient associations and research institutes have free entrance.
What: Seminar Personalized Medicine - from lab to patient (language is Dutch)
When: 23 November 2017 from 15.00 - 18.00 h
Where: Biotech Training Facility, Sylviusweg 70, Leiden
Language: Dutch
Registration: Via the HollandBIO website