Basics of Genetic Engineering

Genetics engineering is one of the most powerful methodology used in analyzing the functions of genes in living organisms. This course provides an in-depth understanding of basic genetic engineering methods.

3 days
Course fee
€ 2550 (excl. VAT)

Short description

This course is only available for group registrations of 6 trainees or more. Please contact us at to arrange a date.

Genes in our genome make up the complete blueprint for our cells to work properly. Understanding the structural composition and functions of genes is crucial to find out how genes work and how they cause diseases. Manipulating the genes (promoting or inhibiting their expression) gives answers to functional features of genes and their interactions with each other.

This course offers the fundamental research methods to start a genetic research. You will gain an extensive understanding of structures and functions of genes and genomes as well as practical experience to isolate genomes, amplify specific genes, and change genomic content.


  • To have a thorough understanding of how genes work
  • To acquire competency in conducting a genetic research
  • To assess the factors affecting the results and to be able to troubleshoot

Target group

This course is suitable for researchers and laboratory staff working in biotechnology fields.


Day 1


Theory: Introduction to genes and genomes

Structure and functions of genes and genomes. Comparison of genomes in different organisms. Special features of genes and genomes.


Theory: Methods in genomic research

History of genomic research. Fundamentals of methods used in genomic research. Up-to-date research processes. Case studies in most recent developments and future of genomic research.


Practice: Genomic DNA isolation

Buffer preparation for manual genomic DNA isolation. Genomic DNA isolation from different organisms (animal cells, plant cells, eukaryotic single cell organisms, bacteria).


Theory: Primer design and PCR methods

Designing primers with online tools. Important features of primer design. Setting up a PCR application. Tips about optimization and good PCR results. Troubleshooting methods. Different types of PCRs.


Practice: PCR application

Practical application of a PCR for a desired gene in genomes.


Practice: Agarose gel electrophoresis

Visualization of PCR results with agarose gel electrophoresis. Preparing the agarose gel. Loading and running the samples.


Practice: Media preparation for Transformation

LB media preparation for transformation. Selective growth media for transformation.

Day 2


Practice: Competent E. coli cells preparation

Chemical modifications on E. coli cells for competency in transformation


Practice: Plasmid digestion and DNA ligation

Digestion of a plasmid with restriction endonucleases. Insertion of genetic material into plasmids with T4 ligase. Different type of vectors for transformation and their applications in genetic engineering.


Practice: Transformation

Plasmid transformation to competent E. coli cells with heat-shock.


Practice: E. coli culture

Culturing transformed E. coli cells to the selective media.

Day 3


Practice: Colony analysis

Analysis of colonies on selective media. Assessments of results.


Practice: Colony PCR

PCR application for the inserted genetic material directly from colonies. Advantages of colony PCR.


Practice: Plasmid isolation

Plasmid DNA isolation from colonies. Important features of plasmid isolation.


Practice: Agarose gel electrophoresis

Visualization of results with agarose gel electrophoresis. Assessments of results.


Questions and answers

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Interested in signing up a group of people for this course?

Please contact our Business Development team:
+31 (0)88 2830100

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Drop us a line below or call us on
+31 (0) 88 283 01 00.
